Error structs

The standard library gives us only very basic error capabilities. For the most part, we can create strings-as-errors: return errors.New("oh no") And we can wrap errors with additional textual context: if err := doSomething(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("doSomething: %w", err) } But the fact that the built-in error type is an interface gives us a ton more flexibility than this to include arbitrary information with our errors. There are a few ways we can include additional information in errors, and I’ll go over a few of them.

100 episodes of Cup o' Go!

Yesterday, Shay Nehmad and I, and close to 20 other people, recorded the 100th episode of the Cup o’ Go podcast. It’s been just over two years since the first episode came out, and in that time we’ve made some good friends, and built a bit of a community. If you haven’t listened yet, I invite you to listen to the replay of the live episode, which is also about celebrating the newly released Go 1.

Constant errors

Last week I talked about how to create your own errors. Expanding on that idea, here’s a trick I like to use: Constant errors! Constants in Go are limited to simple underlying types: bool, string, and the numeric types. If we create our own type, which both satisfies the error interface, and has such an underlying type, we can then create constant error values: type errString string func (e errString) Error() string { return string(e) } const ErrTooManyFrogs = errString("too many frogs") Okay.

Go 1.24.0 is here!

Go 1.24 is released! Yay! That means a short re-visit to the Go spec, as we look at things that have changed. From the release notes we see that there’s really only one significant change: Changes to the language¶ Go 1.24 now fully supports generic type aliases: a type alias may be parameterized like a defined type. See the language spec for details. For now, the feature can be disabled by setting GOEXPERIMENT=noaliastypeparams; but the aliastypeparams setting will be removed for Go 1.

Type casting in Go

Yesterday I answered a reader question that included some often confused terminology. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s quite a common mistake. But I thought this would be a good opportunity to clear it up. The question was: Is it possible for an end user to type cast a string into an error directly? Go doesn’t support type casting. Actually, that’s not entirely true. There’s no single definition of type casting.

Creating errors

Just over a year ago I started this (mostly) daily mailing list, with the goal of going through the entire Go spec, to make it easier for you (and me!) to understand. That mission ended on Friday. So starting today, this list will take on a less structured format. I’ll still be talking about Go. And whenever the spec is updated (as is due to happen any day now, once Go 1.

Size and alignment guarantees

This is it! The final email in my 2+ year series on the Go spec. Today we cover the last ~paragraph of the spec, not accounting for the appendix, which is mostly just a history of major changes to the spec. Size and alignment guarantees For the numeric types, the following sizes are guaranteed: type size in bytes byte, uint8, int8 1 uint16, int16 2 uint32, int32, float32 4 uint64, int64, float64, complex64 8 complex128 16 Most notably, int is omitted from this list.

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unsafe.String and unsafe.StringData

Package unsafe … The function String returns a string value whose underlying bytes start at ptr and whose length is len. The same requirements apply to the ptr and len argument as in the function Slice. If len is zero, the result is the empty string "". Since Go strings are immutable, the bytes passed to String must not be modified afterwards. [Go 1.20] The function StringData returns a pointer to the underlying bytes of the str argument.


Package unsafe … The function Slice returns a slice whose underlying array starts at ptr and whose length and capacity are len. Slice(ptr, len) is equivalent to (*[len]ArbitraryType)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))[:] except that, as a special case, if ptr is nil and len is zero, Slice returns nil [Go 1.17]. The len argument must be of integer type or an untyped constant. A constant len argument must be non-negative and representable by a value of type int; if it is an untyped constant it is given type int.

Pointer Arithmetic

I mentioned a few days ago that pointer arithmetic is possible through the unsafe package. Here’s how to do it. Package unsafe … The function Add adds len to ptr and returns the updated pointer unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + uintptr(len)) [Go 1.17]. The len argument must be of integer type or an untyped constant. A constant len argument must be representable by a value of type int; if it is an untyped constant it is given type int.

Variable vs Constant size

You’ll likely remember that certain built-in functions can sometimes evaluate to constants, rather than variables. For example: var x [10]int var y []int len(x) // evaluates to a constant at compile time len(y) // evaluates to a variable at runtime Package unsafe … A (variable of) type T has variable size if T is a type parameter, or if it is an array or struct type containing elements or fields of variable size.