I'm back!

April 19, 2024

Sorry for going silent without warning. I took a holiday, and due to a technical snafu, failed to send the announcement, so you’d know not to expect emails from me for a week and a half.

Anyway, I’m back now…

Let’s jump back into our tour through assignment statments, with an explanation of the special assignment/arithmetic operator combinations. You know, those things like +=, -=, and <<=:

Assignment statements

An assignment operation x op= y where op is a binary arithmetic operator is equivalent to x = x op (y) but evaluates x only once. The op= construct is a single token. In assignment operations, both the left- and right-hand expression lists must contain exactly one single-valued expression, and the left-hand expression must not be the blank identifier.

a[i] <<= 2
i &^= 1<<n

Simply put, x = x <op> y can be shortened to x <op>= y. But this is limited to single-value expressions. This means if you find yourself in (probably unusual) situation of needing to, say, add a bunch of values at once, you can do this:

x, y, z = x + 1, y + 2, z + 3

But you cannot shorten it to:

x, y, z += 1, 2, 3

And even more devastatingly*, you cannot shorten x, y, z = x + 1, y + 1, z + 1 to:

x, y, z += 1

*I hope the intended sarcastic tone is apparent.

Quotes from The Go Programming Language Specification Language version go1.22 (Feb 6, 2024)

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