Conversion of type parameters

March 4, 2024

Today I’ll be live-streaming again, doing TDD on an open-source project. I hope you can join!


Additionally, if T or x’s type V are type parameters, x can also be converted to type T if one of the following conditions applies:

  • Both V and T are type parameters and a value of each type in V’s type set can be converted to each type in T’s type set.
  • Only V is a type parameter and a value of each type in V’s type set can be converted to T.
  • Only T is a type parameter and x can be converted to each type in T’s type set.

So in other words, conversion to/from a type parameter is not possible if there’s a possibility that the conversion would be impossible.

Let’s illustrate with examples.

func foo[T int | int8, V int | int16](x V) T {
	return T(x) // Allowed, All types of V can be converted to all types of T

func foo2[T int | int8, V int | int16 | string](x V) T {
	return T(x) // Not allowed: cannot convert x (variable of type V constrained by int | int16 | string) to type T: cannot convert string (in V) to type int (in T)

func bar[V int | int16] (x V) int {
	return int(x) // Allowed: Each type of V can be converted to int

func bar2[V int | int16] (x V) bool {
	return bool(x) // Not allowed: cannot convert x (variable of type V constrained by int | int16) to type bool: cannot convert int (in V) to type bool

func baz[T int | int8] (x int) T {
	return T(x) // Allowed: x can be converted to each of T's types

func baz2[T int | int8 | bool] (x int) T {
	return T(x) // Not allowed: cannot convert x (variable of type int) to type T: cannot convert int to type bool (in T)

Quotes from The Go Programming Language Specification Language version go1.22 (Feb 6, 2024)

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