Looking for a good book about Go? My latest book review has landed! This time I read 100 Go Mistakes: And How to Avoid Them by Teiva Harsanyi.
TL;DR; Any Go developer, beginner or expert, would do well to read this book. Probably more than once.
Read or watch my full review. Or here’s a short snippet:
Ultimately, the book is 100 short sections, each of which describes a Go mistake, followed by an explanation, and how to avoid or mitigate the mistake. These sections are grouped by topic into chapters, and some include a conceptual introduction to the topic. For example, chapters 8, Concurrency: Foundations begins with mistake #55, Mixing up concurrency and parallelism, which spends more than three pages explaining the concepts of parallelism and concurrency, and how they differ. This mistake is conceptual in nature, and doesn’t include code. But the other concurrency mistakes, which do demonstrate code mistakes, build on this concept.
This organizational approach makes the book an easy reference source. You can easily jump to just the section you care about, or read through it and easily refer back to the sections that are relevant at any moment while programming.
The short sections make this an easy book to read in short intervals, such as during the morning commute, or perhaps while on the toilet?