7 min read
Book Review: Test-Driven Development in Go by Adelina Simion
A broad introduction to a wide variety of testing concepts in Go, anchored around the test-first mentality.
7 min read
Book Review: 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Teiva Harsanyi
Any Go developer, beginner or expert, would do well to read this book. Probably more than once.
16 min read
What is the Best Book to Learn Go in 2023?
After reading every beginner's book I could find on Go, here is my recommended #1 book to help you learn the language.
6 min read
Book Review: For the Love of Go
For the absolute beginner to programming, this book will get you started on the right foot.
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6 min read
Book Review: Get Programming with Go
Written for the absolute beginner, this book will leave most wanting much more.
9 min read
Book Review: Go Fundamentals
Very thorough, perhaps to a fault, this book is probably a great second read for most Go newcomers.
5 min read
Bonus Book Review: Learn Go with Pocket-Sized Projects
A bonus review of this early-access book, which I'm quite excited about.
7 min read
Book Review: Go For Beginners
This well-written, quick intro to Go for professional developers has some really strong points, but some important down sides, too.